How to Get Local People to Find You Online

The scenarios prompting people to search for the hearing help they need are diverse, but typically have one thing in common: they take place within your local area. Whether it’s someone looking up hearing services after another frustrating dinner at a favorite (and loud) restaurant, or someone looking up local options for hearing protection before… Continue reading How to Get Local People to Find You Online

Why Patient Satisfaction is More Important Than Ever

Hearing care professionals practicing independently are facing a rapidly changing landscape for themselves and their patients. People have more options for hearing devices today than ever before, from the severely discounted over-the-counter (OTC) hearing instruments at big box retailers to finding them even cheaper online. The convenience of selecting hearing aids without the detailed guidance… Continue reading Why Patient Satisfaction is More Important Than Ever

Does Your Practice Need Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing and outbound marketing share the same goals, but quickly part ways thereafter. Outbound marketing, including its traditional routes like TV ads, print ads in magazines and newspapers, radio ads, and mailers, does exactly what it sounds like it does: it reaches out to potential patients to inform them about your services or a… Continue reading Does Your Practice Need Inbound Marketing?

Three Easy Steps for Creating Blogs that Get Seen

The Internet has become an endless sea of content ready for consumption. With an estimated 350 million blogs online and counting, trying to create something attractive enough to grab people’s attention can seem downright daunting. Luckily, the formula for engaging content has remained the same and simply requires that you select a topic of interest… Continue reading Three Easy Steps for Creating Blogs that Get Seen

7 Free Marketing Ideas for Your Hearing Practice

Considering that over 48 million Americans would benefit from the use of hearing aids, it can be surprising to learn that hearing practices often struggle with marketing their services. Indeed, marketing an audiology business or hearing aid center is anything but easy. And with over-the-counter hearing aids fast approaching, the challenge hearing practices face will… Continue reading 7 Free Marketing Ideas for Your Hearing Practice

How Well Are You Ranking? A Quick SEO Self-Audit

You don’t need to be an Internet-savvy or very technical person to have a website with great visibility online. You simply need to know the most important factors for getting your website seen. This is where a solid search engine optimization (SEO) strategy comes into play — arguably, the most important element of your online… Continue reading How Well Are You Ranking? A Quick SEO Self-Audit

How Video Can Skyrocket Your Practice’s Online Presence

Optimizing your digital marketing strategy for your hearing practice means making your website as visible as possible online. And in 2018, creating video content is one of the most effective ways for increasing your presence in the digital realm. The idea of creating video content, however, makes many people cringe. Either they don’t want to… Continue reading How Video Can Skyrocket Your Practice’s Online Presence

5 Best Practices for Marketing Your Hearing Practice with Social Media

Few hearing healthcare practices are without a website, but many have yet to create an effective presence on social media. Being active on outlets like Facebook or Twitter might seem overwhelming for an already-busy practice owner, but avoiding social media for your business means losing out on a valuable, low-cost opportunity. The truth is, social… Continue reading 5 Best Practices for Marketing Your Hearing Practice with Social Media

Boost Your Practice by Guest Blogging

Blogging is one of the most accessible and cost-effective ways to naturally boost your website’s visibility online, but few hearing professionals take the time to maximize their blogging potential. We know that businesses that blog gain at least 67% more leads to their websites than those that don’t, so there’s little debate about the value… Continue reading Boost Your Practice by Guest Blogging

Critical Pages Every Hearing Practice Website Should Have

As a hearing practice, there are certain details you can anticipate visitors to your website will be interested in knowing. Information about your business, like hours of operation and location, are the most obvious, while the details about the services your office provides and the care providers themselves typically make the list next. But after… Continue reading Critical Pages Every Hearing Practice Website Should Have