Boost Your Practice by Guest Blogging

Blogging is one of the most accessible and cost-effective ways to naturally boost your website’s visibility online, but few hearing professionals take the time to maximize their blogging potential. We know that businesses that blog gain at least 67% more leads to their websites than those that don’t, so there’s little debate about the value… Continue reading Boost Your Practice by Guest Blogging

Critical Pages Every Hearing Practice Website Should Have

As a hearing practice, there are certain details you can anticipate visitors to your website will be interested in knowing. Information about your business, like hours of operation and location, are the most obvious, while the details about the services your office provides and the care providers themselves typically make the list next. But after… Continue reading Critical Pages Every Hearing Practice Website Should Have

5 Reasons Why Your Practice Needs Digital Marketing

Hearing practices have long relied on traditional routes of advertising, such as direct mail, print media, broadcast media, and patient referrals. These methods certainly still hold some ground, but are proving to be far less effective in the digital age. Considering that more people than ever are researching health providers online before deciding who to… Continue reading 5 Reasons Why Your Practice Needs Digital Marketing

Invisible Website? This Might Be Why…

Your website is your practice’s digital storefront: it’s what people “pass by” as they surf the Internet looking for the information or services they need. Ideally, your website’s home page offers enough information and value to keep visitors from passing at all, but that’s only half the equation. Getting them there in the first place… Continue reading Invisible Website? This Might Be Why…

Choose Wisely: How Keywords Can Make or Break Your Online Presence

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could tailor your website’s content and marketing strategy down to the very words your target market is already using? Even better—imagine you could identify the words and phrases used most frequently by those interested in hearing health? This kind of information would enable you to specifically target potential patients… Continue reading Choose Wisely: How Keywords Can Make or Break Your Online Presence

Why a Website Isn’t Enough

Recent surveys have found that just under 4 billion people are currently using the Internet. This comprises nearly half of the global population and marks an incredible 17% increase in users from 2016. In this “age of information,” it’s no surprise that people across the world are hankering to get online. As a business owner,… Continue reading Why a Website Isn’t Enough