3 Keys to a Successful Online Practice in 2022

2022 is right around the corner! And you really should be preparing right now for the new year. There are so many big things coming for hearing professionals that you may feel overwhelmed by the potential changes. But here at Audiology Plus, we are prepared to help you sift through the news and plan for your business needs. Here are 3 big things to be aware of and start working on now as you plan for your business in 2022:

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids

The United States is inching closer and closer to finally releasing over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids to the general public. You may have mixed (or negative) feelings about this development. However, regardless of your personal or professional opinion on over-the-counter hearing aids, this is a great opportunity for your business.

It is time to start planning to offer OTC hearing aids. As a hearing professional, you should plan to incorporate OTCs into your practice and start addressing this topic online—on your website and elsewhere online, like on your social media pages. Helpful assets like FAQs and informational videos are very helpful to the patient audience. Plus, you are a professional who is making yourself available to the OTC audience. This can only grow your practice.

e-Commerce Is Key

If you think back to the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, e-commerce was the be-all, end-all. Enabling customers to make their purchases online—without risking their health by going to a store or office in person—was a huge boon to businesses prepared with e-commerce options. Although the COVID pandemic may be waning (hopefully!), e-commerce will never become obsolete. In fact, business analysts are projecting that e-commerce will only continue to grow in importance.

If you want to make life easy for your patients (especially with over-the-counter hearing aids coming soon), e-commerce is a necessity. The accessibility and convenience of e-commerce for your patients will only boost their loyalty to you as a local practice.

Stand Out from the Crowd

The key to succeeding in business—both online and offline—is to show your patients how you are different from (and better than) your competitors. Brand differentiation will be crucial in 2022. As a practice owner, you should start to ask yourself what makes you different in such a competitive market.

Consider the following questions: Why should someone see you versus just buying a device from a huge retailer? What can you offer in-house that goes above and beyond? What do you provide that your local competitors do not? Reassess your goals and messaging to make sure your practice does not go unnoticed.

This can be boosted with online marketing tactics like pay-per-click (PPC) ads and other online efforts that work to target your ideal audience. Content marketing and a mobile-first experience are also key. Basically, you want to make it easy for a potential new patient to choose you and stay with you. Make your website and entire online presence appealing and professional, and offer valuable information to your patients even before they come to your office.

If you are ready to make 2022 the best year yet for your audiology practice, we welcome you to contact us today at Audiology Plus. We are ready to help your business succeed.


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