Why You Should Be Using Video in Your Emails (And How to Do It)

Do you think you are a visual person? Or do you ingest information easier if you read it? Well, studies show that video actually makes people happier than text. Before you say to yourself, “Well, that’s interesting,” and move on, think about how this can be applied in your practice. Utilizing video can go a long way in marketing your practice, growing your business, and keeping your patients happy.

The Science Behind Using Video in Email

A recent study focused on the brain’s response to emails. Some emails were text only, while others featured a video. Researchers found that when the test subjects read the text-only emails, they were in a negative state of mind. In contrast, watching a video in the email made them happier. Even if the email included text after the video, the subject’s state of mind returned to a neutral state, not negative.

Researchers believe that watching videos makes people happier than reading text because the human brain is wired to process dynamic visual input. The study revealed more than just the fact that people prefer video to text; it also showed what type of video people like most. Dr. Carmen Simon, a neuroscientist who helped conduct the study, recommends that you create a video with intent in mind (not results). For example, the intent should be to answer a question, provide value in a specific way, or solve a problem. The study found that the subjects’ brains responded more positively to videos with concrete information and visualizations than to abstract ideas.

How to Incorporate Video in Your Hearing Healthcare Practice’s Emails

Now that we understand how video makes people happier, it’s time to put it into practice. After all, you want your patients to be happy when they receive emails from you, right? Right! Here are a few simple ideas for videos you can create and share with your patients:

  • A video of you explaining a service you offer in a patient-friendly, easy-to-understand way
  • A video of you answering one or two frequently asked questions
  • A video of you demonstrating how to resolve common problems with hearing aids, such as adjusting the volume or replacing the battery
  • A video of you explaining the benefits of a certain type of hearing aid
  • A video tour of your office, with introductions to your team members and how they can serve your patients
  • A video of a satisfied patient sharing their experience with your practice

You don’t need to be (or hire) a professional videographer in order to create compelling videos for your patients. Of course, you can go the professional route if you would like, but you can also experiment with creating video on your smartphone. Keep the video relatively short and focus on answering a question, solving a problem, or providing value in some way. You want the patient to understand that they will benefit from watching the video. Be visual—use props, diagrams, movement, and illustrations to show rather than tell.

If your emails include text as well, be sure to follow these two simple yet important lessons learned from the study mentioned above:

  • Readers concentrate on the beginnings of paragraphs, no matter how long the paragraphs are. Put the most important information first.
  • Short sentences and short paragraphs hold people’s attention better than long sentences and long paragraphs. Keep things concise.

For more information about how using video can keep your patients happy and help build your practice, we invite you to contact us today at AudiologyPlus.


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